June 11, 2015


The APL Gun Club, established in 1953, is one of the longest running clubs at the Applied Physics Laboratory. The APL Gun Club is dedicated to fire arms safety, training, sportsmanship and friendship. Hosting of shooting events at our affiliated gun range located in Marriottsville Maryland (Associated Gun Clubs of Baltimore) takes place on a monthly, quarterly and yearly bases depending upon the shooting activity.

The APL GC maintains affiliations with the Associated Gun Clubs of Baltimore (AGC) and the Civilian Marksmanship Program (CMP). The affiliation with the CMP has been ongoing with the APL GC since the inception of the club in the 1950’s. To learn more about this program you can visit the CMP web location. For more information on the AGC programs that cover range safety, firearms safety, training programs, range rules, range location, associated clubs websites and more you can visit the AGC web site.

APL GC membership dues are $15.00 yearly for active APL employees, retirees, resident contractors (RSE) and family members. Retirees, resident contractors, and family member must be sponsored by an active APL employee. The club rules dictate an 80/20 percentage split between active APL employees and visitors (retirees and family members). A waiting list is kept by the club Treasurer. To gain an in-depth understanding of the membership rules you can visit the “Join the APL Gun Club” drop down menu selection and read the document under “APL Gun Club Non-Employee Membership Policy”.

A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.
Second Amendment to the United States Constitution